Our plasturgy services
We offer our customers a high level of reactivity, particularly in the development phase, which we complete within 6 weeks, from the order to the first parts.
We help our customers at all stages of the product life cycle to address their problematics :
- In the expression of the right need.
- In the design of the product.
- In the search for optimal technical solutions.
- In the study of quality and logistic requirements.
Our partnership with major chemical companies allows us to offer the best material-product-process solutions. We are working together to develop new materials.
Process control
We master the whole process of product realization, from the design to the delivery.
We provide our customers with all know-how in multi-material
co-extrusion, up to 5 materials in the same time.
We offer you all our experience in injection molding (overmolding, materials filled with glass fibers, carbon fibers…). We can implement, for the same product, both manufacturing techniques (extrusion and injection) in order to realize complete sets.
We are specialists in small and medium series.